
Empowering Farmers With AI-Powered Agronomy


The only AI-based agronomic platform that creates field-specific, dynamic protocols for crop production practices - Manage pests and diseases, design fertilizer plans and monitor your crops.

  • Field-Specific Recommendations
    yieldsApp's AI technology provides farmers with field-specific, recommendations for pest, disease and nutrient management.
  • Corporate Agronomy Platform
    Our platform enables organizations and agribusinesses to obtain transparency, traceability and allows them to support their farmers.
  • Environmental Impact
    yieldsApp is the answer for farmers and companies who want to grow sustainably, comply with regulations and certification standards and improve their environmental impact.

Make The Right Agronomic Decisions

Farmers face many uncertainties and everchanging environmental conditions, under which they make hundreds of complex decisions on a daily basis. yieldsApp turn field data into actionable agronomic decisions, such as which pesticide to apply? At what rate? Which fertilizers to use? When? and more...

  • Diagnosis of Pests & Diseases
  • Field-Specific Fertilizer Protocols
  • Soil Health & Fertility Analysis
  • Agronomic Insights
  • Alerts for Pests & Diseases
  • Field-Specific Pesticide Protocols

Unleash the Power of Data for Your Agricultural Business

yieldsApp is specifically designed to support farmers, industry companies, and organizations, and helps to strengthen the resilience of the entire food supply chain. With yieldsApp, farmers and agribusinesses can make more informed decisions, thanks to our three AI-based modules: CroProtech, Soil-Life, and SupplyGuard. Each module is designed to support different aspects of farming, and together, they provide a complete end-to-end solution for maximizing farming success.


yieldsApp includes features specifically designed for large organizations, food and beverage companies and governments. It helps them to achieve their sustainability goals and build resilience throughout their supply chain, starting from the ground up.

Soil Health

Our Soil-life module helps farmers and crop advisors to balance their soils, maintain them healthy and fertile and increase carbon sequestration. It automatically interprets field data and generates sustainable, field-specific, soil management and fertilizer protocols.

Crop Protection

The CroProtech module uses proprietary AI technology to provide early warnings of pests and diseases , diagnosis and dynamic crop protection protocols. It ensures compliance with regulatory standards and avoids misuse of pesticides.

CategoryPests & Diseases
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