Weed Whacko

Autonomous Mechanical In-Row Weeding


Smart & Sustainable Weeding!

Precision Weeding for High Density Crops. Our mechanical weed removal robot provides a higher yield with less manual labour. Reducing and eventually eliminating the need to use any chemical herbicides. For a flourishing future.

Why choose Odd.Bot's Weed Whacko?

Better for the planet and your wallet

  • More Yield
    By removing weeds at an early stage, crops get space to grow, which improves yield.
  • 100% Organic
    The robot does not use any chemicals and does not damage the crops.
  • On Demand
    Pay as you go. You decide when the weeding needs to take place, we take care of the rest.
  • Save Time
    Get more work done with less man hours. The robot takes over manual labour.
PricingOn Request

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