Weather Forecast

Met Office weather forecasts for the UK. World leading weather services for the public.


Right across the world, every single day, people make decisions based on the weather and our changing climate.

We combine weather and climate science and data with expert insights to help with those decisions so people can be safe, well and prosperous.

Everything we do is based on world-leading science and enhanced by the close working relationships we have with partners around the globe. We collect and make sense of massive amounts of data every day, using cutting-edge technology to deliver it into the hands of the people that need it, when it matters.

We are the Met Office.  This is world- changing work.

Our expertise - scientific, technological and operational

We deliver our services through exceptional scientific, technological and operational expertise. 

Our supercomputer is one of the most powerful of its kind in the world, capable of 14,000 trillion arithmetic operations each second. Looking further ahead, our investment in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence will help us meet the grand challenges of the future.

Behind this and everything we do is a team of excellent people, working with you to deliver extraordinary impact, and making us a leading and widely trusted forecaster across the world.

Our team of weather and climate experts plays a critical role in interpreting our data, turning this into insight and advice that, in extreme circumstances, saves lives. Without them, what we do just wouldn't be possible.

Maps & Charts

Specialist Forecast

Warning and Advice

Met Office
CompanyMet Office
(1) Reviews
Ash SangamneheriFounder @ AgTech.World
25 days ago

The go to weather app in UK

They boffins at the met use some pretty fancy kit (supercomputers) and getting better at forecasting and visualising the weather. You can get a detailed 24 hour forecast for most places in the world, but I think its more accurate for UK. Recommend having a look.

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