Weather & Climate Monitoring

Weather & Climate Monitoring

Have the knowledge to make the best weather related decisions, throughout the growing season and from one year to the next.

A range of weather & micro-climate monitoring solutions

3am, 4am, 5am. When is the right time to be in the field for frost protection, spraying, cutting, or fertigation?
With Wildeye®, connectivity to your field systems and the important information they provide is easy, affordable, accurate and dependable.

Wildeye® weather stations get you the data you need: temperature, humidity, wind and sun and updates this information directly to your phone, tablet or desktop.

Track your information on Wildeye’s easy-to-read, easy-to customize dashboard.

Select Your Weather Stations Features:

  • Temperature Monitoring with Alerts
  • Evapotranspiration (Et0)
  • Delta-T & Growing Degree Days
  • Chill Portions and Chill Hours
  • Humidity and Leaf Wetness
  • Fire Danger Index

Benefits of Weather & Micro-Climate Monitoring

  • Automated records
    No more notepads, missing pens or blown-away rain records, with secure, automated record keeping in the cloud..
  • Better and Safer Spraying
    Know when the right time to spray is using wind speed and direction, Delta-T, temperature inversion event monitoring.
  • Phenology and crop health
    Monitor degree days, chill portions, frost events etc to understand the progression of crop health and predict yield, quality, frost damage and more.
  • Understand Microclimate
    Weather is spatially vaiable, and your local microclimatic conditions can be significantly different from conditions recorded at offsite weather stations.
  • Predict adversity
    Use integrated agronomic derivations like Botrytis Index, Moldy Mildew index etc to predict the onset of adverse events. Be on the front foot with management decisions and understand fire risk via Fire Danger Indices, generated for your specific location based on your specific conditions.
  • Validate decisions
    Have a wealth of on-site data to justify and review your decisions. Know exactly what the wind was doing when you sprayed last week, what the fire danger index was when harvesting restarted, look up how many degree-days until crop maturity last season etc

Reliable Hardware

Designed for harsh environments. Wildeye® connects to global IoT cellular networks for maximum global coverage. There is no need for complicated radio infrastructure on your farm. Scale from one to thousands of sensors with minimal investment.

Wildeye® works out of the box with plug and play connectors to connect infield sensors to the cloud and single button activation to streamline installation and maintenance and reduce costs.

Your Wildeye® can be supplied with either ultra long life internal batteries or a rechargeable version from solar panels, battery packs or mains power.

  • IP68 Waterproof
  • IoT Cellular, No Repeaters
  • Compact & Rugged
  • Plug & Play, One Button

Compatible with most major suppliers of meters & sensors

Wildeye® can supply a full system, including the right meter or sensor for the job. If you’ve already invested in meters & sensors then you don’t need to start from scratch. You can often upgrade with Wildeye® if your equipment is from a reputable manufacturer. Contact us to discuss if we can retrofit to your existing investment.


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