Weather API

Weather API

Accurate weather forecasts to facilitate your decision-making

High-quality forecasting API by weather professionals for critical decision-making 

Frogcast’s team of seasoned meteorologists have developed a unique know-how in forecasting models in different regions and improving their reliability over time.

Accuracy and innovation in the DNA: it’s the only weather API service providing probabilistic forecasts (quantiles) for every data point! 

It is extremely easy to integrate Frogcast’s weather data via API into your solution to improve performance and user experience. 

Frogcast weather API's benefits

  • Premium accuracy
    Unique know-how in the combination of multiple forecasting models, optimized by meteorologists and AI for the most accurate weather forecasts over 15 days with 1-min interval. 
  • Ultra-local resolution
    Up to 1km weather forecasting modelling and 90 m topographic resolution to retrieve data exactly where you need it. 
  • Smart probabilistic forecasts
    10 confidence intervals (quantiles) provided for every forecast parameter so you have richer weather information to improve your applications. 
  • Global coverage
    Weather intelligence provided everywhere in the world, with region-dependent forecasting modelling for better local relevance.
  • Easy integration
    API integration into your application made easy-to-use, with no code development required. 
  • Data access flexibility
    26 meteorological variables to meet your needs closely, with no usage limitation and possibility to go further with tailored forecasts working together with our R&D team.


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