Verdi Platform

A modern platform for farm automation with continuous updates and on-field support. Our platform is built with farmers and leading agriculture universities.


We are pioneering the world’s first truly scalable platform for farm automation.

The Verdi platform combines software, firmware, artificial intelligence, and hardware to offer variable rate irrigation and fertigation, affordable irrigation automation, and more.

Modern Farming Reimagined

No more handwritten notes, late night text messages to your irrigator, or trying to be in two places at once. We do the tedious and repetitive work so you and your team can focus on what you do best. Verdi is the solution - whether you grow 50 acres or 2,000 acres.

The Verdi Dashboard is available on all modern browsers

The Verdi Dashboard is built as a modern web application to help you manage your farm from anywhere.

  • Variable Rate Irrigation & Fertigation
    Deliver water and nutrients with sub-block precision
  • Valve, Pump & Injector Automation
    Bring your assets online and setup intuitive automations
  • Flow & Pressure Verification
    Have proof water turned on and spend less time scouting
  • Farm Labor Management
    Intuitive agenda with worker feedback
  • Modular Integrations
    Connect to most sensors, pumps or valves
  • NDVI Imagery
    Daily imagery for decision making support
  • Analysis & Export
    Generate reports and get summaries
  • Weather Station Data
    Private stations on ranch or access to public weather network
  • 3rd Party Soil Moisture Integrations
    Connect most 3rd-party sensors


The farm is a harsh environment for technology. We get it. That is why we have spent years engineering and testing hardware that can survive a flooded valve box, a cold Canadian winter or a curious coyote.

Verdi Block Controller

For bringing existing valves, pumps, injectors and sensors online for automation and monitoring.

  • Bring Anything Online
    Retrofit to existing field-level equipment like block valves, pumps, injectors and sensors.
  • 100% Wireless
    Don’t bury wires. Installation takes 1 minute. Reliable connectivity in dense vegetation and below grade.
  • Made for Scale
    Easy management, automation, and maintenance for 1000s of devices in the field.
  • Built to Last
    Suitable for submersion, continuous UV exposure, extreme temperatures.
  • Endless Applications
    • Controller for Irrigation Equipment
    • Transmitter for Most 3rd-Party Sensors
    • Automation at the Edge or in the Cloud
    • Heat and Frost Protection
    • Irrigation Leak Detection
    • Irrigation Verification / Reporting

Verdi Micro-Block Controller

For ultra-low power, high precision applications like variable rate and cheap sensor connectivity.

  • Purpose-Built
    Built for row-level and plant-level control of water, fertilizer, and other inputs.
  • Modular
    Modular retrofit to drip irrigation and overhead tubing in less than 1 minute.
  • Made for Scale
    Easy management, automation, and maintenance for 1000s of devices in the field.
  • 100% Wireless
    Reliable wireless connectivity even in dense vegetation.
  • Endless Applications
    • Variable Rate Irrigation
    • Variable Rate Fertigation
    • Heat & Frost Protection
    • Differential Irrigation within a Crop Row
    • Sensor Connectivity
    • Research Studies

Important distinctions that separates us from others

At Verdi we pride ourselves on doing things differently

  • Proprietary fleet management software & intelligence
  • Modular retrofit to any equipment
  • Platform for the whole farm; not just irrigation
  • Industry credibility from small to industrial farms and leading research universities
  • Artificial intelligence research & development 
  • All technology developed hand-in-hand with farmers
Verdi Expeditions Inc.
CompanyVerdi Expeditions Inc.
PricingOn Request

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