AHDB Variety Selection Tool

Variety selection tools for cereals and oilseeds. Use this tool to navigate AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) trial data, make comparisons and identify the most promising varieties for your unique situation


Updated following the release of the AHDB Recommended Lists (RL) each year*, the variety selection tools are available for winter wheat, spring barley, winter barley, spring oats, winter oats and winter oilseed rape.

Variety selection tools

Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
CompanyAgriculture and Horticulture Development Board
CategoryPrecision Farming
A laptop running an AHDB variety selection tool
(1) Reviews
Simon OxleyAgriculture Data Consultant @ Simon Oxley
22 days ago

Effective way to select new varieties which meet your own priorities

The variety selection tools for different cereal and oilseed crops allows you to filter down the variety information to suit your own priorities and compare with your current variety choice. If your priority is regional performance, yield, quality, pest and disease resistance, this tool can help you find the best variety fit. If you are a newcomer, the filters may initially look complex, but if you are familiar with the Recommended List tables, you'll quickly identify ones relevant to you.

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