
Collecting Data for AI Models to Predict Crops. The world’s largest data collection team, with over 2,000 staff.


Collecting ground truth data on a global scale for your crop prediction models. This is the world’s largest crop survey team, with thousands of staff.  Fast. Accurate. Reliable.

Fast. Accurate. Reliable

We collect training data for your crop models. We conduct field surveys around the world at scale at unprecedented speed. We have mapped hundreds of thousands of locations and have the world’s largest crop collection team – over 2,000 growing to 10,000 people globally.

This gives you a fast, accurate and reliable solution to collect ground truth.

 This unique advantage gives you the ability to build far more accurate AI models.

Tessa – 650% faster* than comparable services and 93% cheaper*

*These costs and speed comparisons are based on comparisons with multiple other suppliers across different countries and continents.

Working with Local Communites

Are farmers and local communities getting paid for their data?  Yes

Tessa is more than data collection; it is about supporting some of the most economically challenged regions of the world by offering rewarding, dignified work.

Crops are grown in some of the poorest places in the world, with people often existing on only $5 to $10 a day. HSAT will pay around pay $10 per hour and up to $100 per day  – enabling individuals to feed their families for a month within a day’s work.

We enable farmers and members of the local community to become data collectors. This creates sustainable, empowering, and dignified employment.

Open to All: Our work can be done alongside existing employment; it can be done at any time and is open to all.

With Tessa, we’re not just collecting data; we’re supporting communities and driving growth where it matters most.

PricingOn Request

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