
Irrigation optimization. Save on electricity, optimize water consumption!


T-Irrigate is an AI-based irrigation optimization solution that enables farmers to execute their irrigation activities with the right amount, at the right time.

  • Raw agricultural data collected from soil moisture & temperature sensors positioned in the field are transferred into the AI Platform.
  • The data is then transformed into relevant information through the application of Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Focusing on “water and root” data, field-specific critical water thresholds are calculated.
  • The optimal irrigation level is determined for farmers, aiming to manage irrigation activities at these specified levels.


  • Soil Moisture & Temperature
    Irrigation in the right amount at the right time by measuring soil moisture and temperature with sensors placed at different depths beneath the ground
  • Soil Moisture & Temperature & EC
    Precise fertigation decisions measuring soil salinity levels, together with soil moisture and temperature data
  • Flowmeter
    Flow rate passing through the irrigation line, along with the irrigation start and cut-off times
  • Water Pressure Sensor
    Swiftly addressing potential pressure issues by real-time water pressure data during active irrigation
  • Rainfall
    Accurate measurement of the rainfall quantity in the fields where pivot and sprinkler irrigation systems are placed
  • Ultrasonic Flowmeter
    Using sound waves to measure the flow on irrigation pipes within pivot irrigation systems
  • Leaf Wetness & Canopy Temperature
    Leaf surface wetness caused by dew, rainfall, or spray irrigation measurement
  • Weather
    Using air temperature data for precise identification of the required irrigation amount for the field and detecting potential frost risks

Our primary differences

We feed soil sensor and T-Weather data into our AI Platform, and calculate critical field water thresholds keeping huge focus on “water and root” data.

  • Detailed information about what’s happening on under the ground
  • Field managers and farm owners have full visibility into their fields with real time data
  • Minimizing employee mistakes 
  • Input optimization 
  • Preventing waste of valuable water and other resources (fertilizer, labor, etc.) 
  • Electricity saving 
  • Ensure sustainability in agriculture
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