
The plant expert that keeps an eye on every plant. All day, every day.


The Neatleaf Spyder enables you to remotely monitor and optimize your growing environment for each individual plant. Know your environment conditions in every corner and rely on automatically collected plant health and growth metrics to guide your decision making.

  • Consistency
    The Spyder contains several sensors to gather a comprehensive understanding of the cultivation environment. The same sensor set is used to collect the data across the canopy which guarantees consistency and ensures interpretability.
  • Transparent
    The Spyder operates above the canopy - out of the way of your workforce. It is fully autonomous and does not require any human intervention.
  • Installation
    Our cable based robot is highly flexible and can be installed within a couple of hours in most controlled environment cultivations.
  • Interface
    Only three simple commands are required to interact with the Spyder: start measuring, stop where you are, and move to Home location.

The Neatleaf Dashboard

  • Zone overview
    Our dashboard shows you the zone status at a glance: it summarizes the conditions as well as the trend and directs your attention to where it is needed most.
  • Image feed
    Look at the full canopy at once or zoom in to inspect a specific plant in more detail. Watch how the plant grows, identify systematic issues, or track how stress symptoms come and go.
  • Heatmaps
    The dashboard offers a comprehensive spatial understanding of your cultivation environment. Identify micro-climates and systematic issues in your zone and ensure consistency across your canopy.
  • Line chart
    Compare your cultivation conditions over time and relate them to peaks in plant stress and other observations.

The Neatleaf Intelligence

  • Plant Stress
    By automatically identifying plant stress multiple times a day across your complete canopy you will get a very strong signal for overall plant health and trend. Hot spots and systematic issues will become immediately apparent and allow you to respond quickly.
  • Pest and virus
    Each leaf is inspected multiple times a day for pest and virus symptoms and detections are reported immediately to minimize crop loss.
  • Insights & Recommendations
    Actionable insights are derived from thousands of AI generated data points, enabling informed and confident cultivation decisions.
CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request

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