Spray App

The Spray App by Bayer helps you plan sprays more effectively by providing weather forecasts including inversion risk probability.


The Spray App by Bayer

The Spray App by Bayer helps you plan sprays more effectively by providing weather forecasts including inversion risk probability.

The forecast feature helps growers and applicators identify weather conditions and surface temperature inversion conditions prior to spray applications.

  • A field-level location-specific forecast (hour-by-hour) of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, rainfall probability, Delta T, and surface temperature inversion risk.
  • The inversion-risk forecast shows the probability (in percent) of a surface temperature inversion occurring at a specific location.
  • The weather forecasts leverage both publicly available weather data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Service and unique models created by Climate Corporation weather scientists to forecast weather conditions and surface temperature inversions.
  • The Bayer Spray App is currently available for growers in QLD, NSW and VIC. Bayer plan to make the model available in SA & WA over the coming months.
Bayer AG
CompanyBayer AG

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