SOWIT: gestion des parcelles

Powering informed decisions across the African ag value chain. Unleash the potential of your land


The mobile apps that provide actionable insights on your farm(s) and help you reach your goals


Inspect your plots and anticipate risks. Direct your operators efficiently to get the most out of your plot inspections.

Direct your operators to areas of interest. Make the smartphone an inspection tool. The SKOWT solution allows remote verification of the hot spots of your plots, at any time and from your home.

You can direct several of your operators to specific areas or program random routes to ensure the good health of your plots.

The SKOWT solution increases the efficiency of inspections by directing operators straight to sensitive areas and providing them with a complete report.


Determination of fertilizer requirements for cereals and rapeseed. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the plots thanks to satellite remote sensing to adjust your fertilization.

Make your nitrogen investment profitable. An estimate of the needs of your plots to the nearest nitrogen unit

FERTISAT is a decision support tool allowing the calculation of nitrogen needs according to the potential of your plots, the progress of the season and your yield objectives.

FERTISAT was born from a simple observation: the yields of wheat, rapeseed, barley and sugar cane in Africa remain generally low and highly variable from one season to another. Nitrogen represents a significant load which, optimized according to the potential of the season and the plot, generates margin gains.


Control your irrigation with precision. Consideration of intra-plot heterogeneity thanks to satellite remote sensing and precise weather data to adjust your irrigation.

Calculate your water needs with precision. Rebalance your water stocks with the real needs of your crops

SOWATER is a decision support tool that calculates the water needs of your plot according to the characteristics of your crop and a weather forecast obtained by satellite.

The solution is based on data (variety, age, rootstock, density, vegetation index, etc.) which allows adjustment of irrigation advice that is both dynamic and spatial at the scale of your plot.

Monitor +

A co-piloting of your operations

Monitor + gives you access to a SOWIT expert to help co-manage your operations based on the weekly diagnosis of your crops thanks to satellite remote sensing technology.

The solution was born from a simple observation: many farms do not realize their profitability potential due to a uniform management of inputs and operations.


Estimate your production! Predict your citrus or mango production with a 5% error and up to 2 months before the harvest.

A precise estimate of your productions. It is now possible to precisely estimate your land’s production. Obtain production estimates up to 2 months prior to harvest and transmit quality forecasts to your team(s) and partner(s).

The SoYield mobile app helps you take a guided photoshoot of your trees to calculate your yields in just a few minutes. 

In addition, control the harvest with precise production data per plot and direct labor and logistics in the most efficient way possible by monitoring your harvest sites as required.

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