
First autonomous robot for large scale food production


The introduction of the Solix robot marks a significant transformation in the agricultural landscape.

  • 100% autonomous and solar powered
  • Accurate scouting and target-spraying
  • Weed control in early stage
  • Up to 95% herbicide reduction
  • Carbon footprint reduction
  • Soil compaction reduction
  • Enables low-impact, high-performance agriculture


  • Corn
  • Soybean
  • Wheat
  • Cotton
  • Specialty Crop

Unmatched Autonomy and Precision

Solix operates autonomously day and night, seamlessly navigating through fields without disturbing rows. This level of autonomy enables precise and accurate spraying, delivering optimal results. Its lightweight design and solar power source allow for operation for up to three days without sunlight, enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Sustainable Target-Spray Applications for Optimal Crop Treatment

By promoting sustainable target-spray applications, Solix optimizes the use of chemicals to treat and preserve crops. This approach ensures the optimization of chemical inputs while maintaining effective crop protection. Fields are meticulously maintained as weeds emerge, minimizing their impact and preserving the environment.

Early-Stage Weed Control and Input Optimization

With Solix, early-stage weed control becomes a reality. By identifying and addressing weed issues promptly, farmers can prevent damage and optimize their use of inputs. The platform facilitates a target-spray application, ensuring resources are utilized effectively while minimizing wastage.

Real-Time Agronomic Information at Scale

Harnessing the power of Solix, operations gain access to real-time, scale-based agronomic information. With the capacity to monitor 2 million plants per day, the platform ensures comprehensive and timely insights into crop health. Its 24/7 operation guarantees continuous monitoring whenever necessary.

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency for the Agricultural Market

Solix offers a range of advantages that boost productivity and efficiency across the entire agricultural market. Farmers, seed companies, and ag-retailers can all benefit from its features.

Enables low-impact agriculture

The robot plots maps based on the conditions of each plant. This makes it possible for Solix to spray only the areas that need it, optimize the use of chemical inputs in the field, and preserve the health of the soil.

CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request

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