
Sustainable Farming with Soil Health Monitoring


SoilSignal is Deep Planet’s MRV platform, helping project developers, farmers and businesses to measure, report and verify the impact of regenerative farming.

  • Measure carbon stock and soil nutrient content (NPK)
  • Compare soil organic carbon content to baseline measurements (5+ years historical comparison offered)
  • Forecast irrigation and fertiliser recommendations
  • Optimise soil input usage and reduce emissions
  • Stratify soil types to characterise soil variation
  • Soil moisture interpolation from topsoil up to 120 cm in soil depth, by integrating to existing sensors
  • Monitor impact of regenerative agricultural practices


Designed for Growers to achieve their Sustainability objectives:

  • Soil Organic Carbon Maps: Track your past 5 year historical soil health changes
  • Soil Stratification: Identify stratification across farms using elevation, clay content, soil bulk density, topographic wetness, soil depth. Apply randomised sampling points for soil carbon and prepare for soil moisture probe installation.
  • Optimise Soil Inputs: Compost Application, Nitrogen , Potassium, Phosphorus Maps, Fertiliser Maps, Soil moisture interpolation, Irrigation scheduling
  • Disease Detection and Monitoring
Deep Planet
CompanyDeep Planet
CategoryPrecision Farming

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