Revolutionizing poultry production with autonomous robots.


Poultry Patrol is a robotics company that services the poultry industry by providing a robotic solution that increases bird movement, sends notifications of feed spills and other water leaks, tills the bedding of barns,  and reports mortalities throughout the barn with an abundance of additional features to come!

Poultry Patrol started back in 2019 when Jack Kilian was looking for a new application for the goose chasing robot he had built. As luck would have it, John Zimmerman, a local turkey farmer, was looking for just such a robot for his turkey barns! After much trial and error, Poultry Patrol’s SMR robots were born and began doing useful work in commercial turkey barns. 

Poultry Patrol was a finalist in the global SMART Broiler project and this inspired Digi Labs, a Wayzata-based tech incubator, to support Poultry Patrol in its endeavors to bring useful poultry barn robots to market. Poultry Patrol’s robots have logged over 800 days of useful work in turkey barns. This includes one robot, Blue, operating for over 455 days without any technical failure that resulted in loss of barn work.


  • Hands Off, Untethered Robot
    The robot averages the need for physical intervention only once every 2 weeks!
  • Easy Installation
    Installation occurs in under 2 hours and all we require from you is an ethernet connection and 120v power!
  • Long Lasting, Durable Service
    We have experienced no breaks resulting in loss of work in over a year!

Planned Features

  • Tilling
  • Mortality Removal
  • Precision Environmental Readings
Poultry Patrol
CompanyPoultry Patrol
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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