
The discovery of a new parasite management way.


SmartWorm enables farmers to treat ONLY the animals who need a drench and leave the rest untreated, without any production loss.

  • Prevent drench resistance
    Our philosophy is Targeted Selective Treatment (TST), where only the lambs that need a drench are treated. This helps stop worms from getting used (resistant) to the medicine because not all of them are exposed to it. Through TST, we maintain a situation where we can eliminate more than 95% of the worms, leaving only a small number of resistant ones. This ensures that the medicine remains effective.
    The basis of the TST philosophy is treating every lamb as an individual rather than group level diagnostics. Think about if there was a chest infection in your house. Only the person showing symptoms would take an antibiotic, not the whole house!
  • Return on investment
    Every farmer is looking to reduce costs. SmartWorm is proven to cut drench use by 40-50% with an insignificant difference in production compared to monthly blanket treatment. This leads to three savings - a smaller drench bill, less time spent drenching and the prevention of resistance development. Tackling resistance now will allow you to keep using low-cost drenches, and avoid swapping to newer ones (3-4x more expensive).
  • Ease of use
    The drench recommendations are delivered in the SmartWorm mobile app in real time, sheepside. Just follow the colour-coded indications (Red = Dose; Green = No Dose).
    The app's user-friendly interface makes it easy to find your way around drenching sessions, statistics, alerts and reports. You'll need a weigh head and an eID reader to pair to the SmartWorm app. We integrate with almost all of them. We also integrate with auto drafters so dose/no dose lambs are separated more easily. And we integrate with farm management softwares so all your data ends up in the one place.
  • Peace of mind
    SmartWorm is programmed to always select a % of every mob to be blanket treated, no matter what. This creates a Control group for comparison, showing you how the animals would grow if the entire mob were blanket treated. This allows you to compare performance of the TST and Control groups to verify there is no loss of performance, giving the peace of mind to have confidence in SmartWorm's drench recommendations.
Cotter Agritech
CompanyCotter Agritech

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