
SmartFarm app for growers and agronomists that provides advice and insights to support daily challenges.


SmartFarm utilizes the world’s latest technologies, AI-driven weather models, and combines this with our unique knowledge of crops, diseases, and pests to help you maintain a healthy crop and optimize the use of crop protection products

  • FieldMate sensor
    Our FieldMate is not a mainstream weather station, but a crop and soil sensor that measures relevant data where it matters most: ultra-locally, directly between plants. This means it tracks everything you need to know about your crop, such as temperatures, humidity and soil temperature. Moreover, it offers you a plot-specific weather forecast for better planning you activities.
  • Disease alert system
    The Disease Alert System allows you to respond to the current situation, prevent crop damage and minimize the use of plant protection products. With more than 60 crops and 150 diseases, the FieldMate can be used in arable, vegetable, fruit and viticulture. The Disease Alert System provides a 7-day overview of the past and expected likelihood of infection.
  • Determining the optimal spray timing
    The application of plant protection products at the optimal time, is of great importance for growing quality crops while respecting the environment. When sprayed at the optimal time, costs can be reduced by 25 – 30%. With SprayEffect advice, you have an accurate tool to optimize your crop protection. By combining ultra-local data and knowledge of crop protection products and their effects, the SprayEffect advisory allows you to choose the best application timing.
  • All your crop data in one app
    The SmartFarm app gives you access to all the data on your FieldMate(s). This makes it easy to keep track of your data from your smartphone or tablet. View all measured and calculated parameters via clear dashboards. Such as you are always aware of crop temperature, leaf wetness status, wind direction and accurate field-specific weather forecast.
    Through the Smartfarm app, the user gets reliable disease pressure predictions and a spray effect planner for the most optimal time to protect the crop.

AppsforAgri BV
CompanyAppsforAgri BV

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