Smart Grain Probe



Smart Grain Probe

GrainMonitor is a wireless sensor unit. All you need to do for the installation of the system is to place a certain number of probes in the crop. That's all, and the device is up and running. 

  • For any crop
    Practically, GrainMonitor sensors can be used on any grain crop, whether it is grain or oilseed.
  • For any warehouse
    GrainMonitor probes can be used in flat grain storage buildings, warehouses and in other facilities suitable for storage. The sensors can be freely moved without any restrictions or installation!
  • Information wherever you are
    All the grain storage information is available at any time in the GrainMonitor cloud service, which can be accessed even from your mobile phone

GrainMonitor helps with prevention

  • Plant pest reproduction
    The greatest losses, which are used during grain storage, can be caused by warehouse pests. In a few months, these pests develop in crops with specifically high moisture content that is above the limit and can cause significant financial losses, that can reach millions.
  • Fungal infections and an increase in toxin levels
    Fungi are able to perfectly develop and to produce toxins in the stored grain. Therefore, suitable storage has the utmost importance under low humidity and temperature.
  • Germination
    Improper humidity is a perfect breeding ground for germination, which is most often due to the change of seasons, and it is a typical problem e.g. with the arrival of winter.
  • Grain clumping
    In the case of a dusty, mixed grain, any major temperature change generates steam, which condenses and leads to wetting and compaction of the grain.
GrainMonitor LLC
CompanyGrainMonitor LLC
PricingOn Request
device1 (1)

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