Smart Climate Control

Measure, Control & Automate micro-environment, irrigation & fertigation parameters in GreenHouse


Micro-environment in a Greenhouse needs to be closely monitored for parameters such as Temperature, humidity, CO2, Luminescence, fertigation and soil moisture. Close measurement, comparison against set trigger points and rules table, and final automation of control devices is achieved through Sasya Smart Climate Control IOT Devices.

Product Features

  • Environment Sensors & Wireless Nodes. Multi-zone Temp, Humidity, Soil pF, CO2,Lux, water pH, TDS sensors and nodes
  • External Env. Sensor Node. Wind gauge & Rain sensors
  • Gateway and Controller. Display units, Multi-channel Relay units
  • Automation Bus and Control Panels. Relays into Existing switch boards for automation
  • Cloud Platform, Data store, Rules, Triggers and Automation setting, Reports & Manual Overrides

Smart Climate Control Product

  • Soil pF
  • Sensor Node
  • Gateway Controller
  • Local Display
  • Co2 Sensors
Sasya Systems
CompanySasya Systems
PricingOn Request
Climate Control

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