
Agriculture's most complete data management platform!


We consolidate information on fertility, nematodes, compaction, stand, weeds, satellite and drone images, rainfall and harvest, delivering automated processes and clear ROI.

Soil Fertility Mapping

Analyze and interpolate soil and plant samples in an integrated and automated way, generating corrective and fertilizer prescriptions in a matter of minutes.

Harvest maps straight from the machines

Import raw data from harvesters or partner platforms like Climate Fieldview (.dat) and John Deere Operations Center (.shp) directly into FieldScan. All fields, brands and machines at once! FieldScan takes care of data organization and calibration.

Prescriptions connected to machinery

Use FieldScan tools to optimize contrasts, refine field diagnostics and generate application maps that connect directly to machinery.

Reduce herbicide costs by up to 80%

Focusing on difficult-to-control plants, our weed detection algorithm generates infestation reports and application maps ready for insertion into machinery. All you need is a simple drone and a sprayer with a variable controller.

Planting lines and failures for sugarcane

Using drone images, reduce the risk of trampling by restoring high-precision lines for sugarcane harvesting automation, and quantify planting flaws greater than 50 cm to ensure the quality of operations and conduct replanting, when necessary.

Sensix Tecnologia LTDA
CompanySensix Tecnologia LTDA
CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request
RegionSouth America

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