Making difficult decisions on farm easier


Get personalized recommendations on seed selection and be confident to make the best decisions. Your farm is unique, so should be your decision-making.

Face the challenges and put your harvest ahead

Save time and reduce risk by making smarter agronomic decisions with a digital solution that is as local as your farming. Have accurate hybrid recommendations for your corn and sunflower crops, maximizing your yields and productivity.

Convenient online solution whenever you need it

Cropwise Seed Selector works on any device, with connectivity in the field, on the farm or in the office

  • Simple to use and incredibly precise solution.
  • Designed to work on any farm size, whether it is 2 or 200 fields.
  • Personalized recommendations for your seeds
  • Make confident decisions for complete peace of mind
  • Seeds recommendations for all farms, no matter the size or farming conditions
  • Cropwise Seed Selector has already helped thousands of growers across Europe
  • Ensuring sustainable seed recommendations for every circumstance 

It's about trust and proven experience 

  • Over 50.000 trial locations around Europe
  • Field by field recommendations on 5.2M in Europe for over 8.000 growers
  • Our digital solutions help service more than 50M hectares over 5 continents
  • Using more than 376.000 individual data point comparisons and 20 years of meteorological data

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