
The Regenerative Viticulture App


How does Sectormentor work?

  • Scan contactless tags
    Scan contactless tags fixed to each block to easily enter information as you go, or map find your sample locations via GPS maps.
  • Easily record data
    Use the phone app to record observations or photos, flower counts, disease pressure, pruning weights & more.
  • Spot trends
    Immediately see the data you have collected illustrated in charts and graphs, and refer back to a log of photos and notes.
  • Get insights
    Use our tools and features for powerful insights to support top management – learn more below…


  • Yield Predictor
    Create yield predictions for each block based on flower or bunch counts to support top management decisions. Visualise how your yield predictions progress as the season develops.
  • Ripeness Indicator
    Enable better decisions in real time – immediately visualise how each block is ripening in the run up to harvest. Quickly compare how each block ripened in past years, supporting the estimation of harvest dates across your site.
  • The Regen Platform
    Benchmark your soil health results from the 10 Vidacycle Regen Indicators, and get tips and tricks from Nicole Masters on how to improve your management to build resilience in your soils.
  • Phenology Report
    Explore key dates each season in different blocks to build up a clear picture of the phenology of your vines. Easily compare these dates and phenology patterns year on year.
  • Upload Lab Results
    Upload your lab results to Sectormentor as a PDF, Excel or CSV file – so all your soil & sap lab results can be stored in Sectormentor – and kept in one place!
  • Carbon Stocks Report
    View the carbon stocks stored in the top layer of soil across your blocks at a glance. Upload your block boundaries to view your data on an interactive map of your vineyard.
  • Vine Health Indicator
    Easily observe trends in cane weights, vigour, short shoots & crop load to monitor vineyard health. Visualise pruning weight trends to support your management & identify potential issues early on.
  • Harvest Tracker
    Watch your yield is evolving as you harvest, and see how that compares to your predicted yields in real time. Compare yield/hectare (or acre) across each of your block.
  • Work Report
    See how much time is being spent on different jobs around the vineyard. You can filter results by variety, clone, block, or rootstock, as well as seeing how long a task took per hectare or per vine.
  • Map your Vineyard
    GPS map your sample locations to easily visualise their locations, and ensure anyone in the team can go out & collect information at the right sample vines.
  • Weather Data
    Upload your weather station data to Sectormentor, so you can visualise your GDD alongside key phenological dates. Get auto-integration for weather data from Sencrop or Trak365 stations.

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