Sasya Smart Irrigation

Will it be better, if your drip starts only when the plant needs water, and then turns itself off automatically?


Sasya Smart Irrigation measures soil moisture through sensors and the amount of water required is calculated based on crop type and stage, to turn ON/OFF the drip irrigation automatically.

Product Features

  • Multi-level soil moisture Sensors: Surface, target root zone & at drainage level.
  • Sensor Nodes: Battery & Solar powered.
  • Gateway cum Pump Controller: Local brain.
  • Soil Moisture Potential Tables: Triggers for multiple drip irrigated crops.
  • Multiple Connectivity modes: Wifi, GSM, NB-IoT, LoRa tech.
  • Actuation: Multi-zone Relays for actuation of Water pumps.

Smart Irrigation Products

  • Soil pF Sensors
  • Sensor Node
  • Gateway Controller
  • Power Supply
Sasya Systems
CompanySasya Systems
PricingOn Request
Smart Irrigation

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