Regenagri Certification

Regenagri is a regenerative agriculture initiative aimed at securing the health of the land and the wealth of those who live on it.


Regenagri is an international regenerative agriculture program for securing the health of the land and the wealth of those who live on it.

It supports farms and organisations transitioning to holistic farming, increasing soil health, encouraging biodiversity, reducing green house gas emissions and sequestering CO2. regenagri also provides farmers with routes to additional funds through carbon credit markets and environmental subsidies.

In supporting regenerative farming, we aid in the regeneration of our planet and sustainably secure the future of agricultural products and their supply chains.

Benefits to farms

  • Begin a continuous improvement journey
  • Ensure farms’ economic sustainability through additional income streams
  • Apply for regenagri certification and GHG and carbon data verification
  • Access our advisory services to help you in transitioning to regenerative agriculture
  • Access the digital hub
    • Take the regenagri assessment and report results
    • Calculate GHGs and CO2
    • Track progress between multiple farms
    • Share assessments with multiple buyers
    • Create historic performance records

Benefits to brands and the supply chain

  • Begin a continuous improvement journey towards your environmental targets
  • Apply for regenagri certification and GHG and carbon data verification
  • Access our advisory services to help you guide your regenerative strategies
  • Access the digital hub
    • Invite farms to join your group
    • View farms’ assessment data and access analytical tools including progress tracking and benchmarking
    • Calculate GHG and carbon data over groups of farms
PricingOn Request

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