
Digital High-throughput Phenotyping, Made Frictionless.


Digital High-throughput Phenotyping, Made Frictionless

  • Digitize & Scale Up Your Crop Assessments
  • Reduce Assessment Variability
  • Timely Results Delivery & Analytics
  • Improve Labor Efficiency
  • Frictionless Phenotyping Experience

High-throughput Phenotyping Adds More Value To Your Field Trials

  • More Precise Than Traditional Methods
    High-throughput brings more repeatability, thus more quantity & quality in your field trials measurements.
  • Make Decisions Earlier In The Season
    No need to wait until harvest to get Yield estimations & more… Get results faster to make better decisions earlier.
  • Centralization Of The Data
    Don’t lose your data anymore due to wet pages or lost notebooks! Plus make cross-trial analysis & multi-site comparison.

Access Frictionless Phenotyping From Drones In A High-Throughput Fashion

PhenoScale® is your go-to solution to transform drone data into valuable phenotypic information. All you have to do is acquire the data following our guidelines, upload it online and wait for the results to be delivered. Everything takes place in Cloverfield, our online data platform built for scale. Now phenotyping from drones is more accessible than ever thanks to PhenoScale®.

CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request

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