
Perennial uses the world’s most advanced remote measurement technology for soil carbon sequestration and emissions.


Project developers help growers draw down carbon and increase their bottom line

  • Trusted Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for soil carbon projects
  • Baseline, monitor, verify, and sell carbon offsets
  • Is your carbon program having growing pains? Learn how we can help.

The food supply chain is decarbonizing, and it starts with measuring emissions

  • Our data platform tracks land-based emissions and sequestration at any scale, from field to continent
  • No-touch Scope 3 assessments
  • Independent ratings to power climate-friendly branded food and sustainable sourcing

Measurement was the barrier to scaling climate-smart agriculture, until now

  • Perennial fuses machine learning, ground observations, and satellite data to measure soil carbon accurately and affordably
  • We combine big data with industry-standard methods to estimate land-based emissions at scale
  • We are setting the standard for remote verification of soil carbon offsets

Our technology brings accuracy, detail, and scalability to soil carbon measurement

Each Perennial measurement contains hundreds or thousands of individual predictions, capturing the unique carbon fingerprint of each field.

We fuse machine learning, ground observations, and remote sensing to map historical, present, and future soil carbon and land-based emissions at continent-level scales.

In 2021, we created the highest-ever resolution map of soil organic carbon for the continental USA.

Backed by the latest research

  • Perennial builds on decades of research in land remote sensing and statistical methods for the quantification of carbon density
  • We use an in-house archive of in-situ soil samples across cropland, pastureland, and rangeland joined with remote sensing and environmental variables to train machine learning algorithms for the prediction of soil organic carbon content over time
  • Every algorithm we develop undergoes rigorous cross-validation to ensure we meet performance thresholds, even when no soil samples are available

Scalable net emissions estimates without farming practice data

  • Perennial uses methods from the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories combined with in-house data aggregation to calculate net emissions on every farm
  • Full annualized emissions breakdown by source for CO2, N2O, and CH4
  • When farm-specific practice data is available, a localized emissions quantification is generated
  • Hosted via a scalable API on a modern technology stack

We believe registry compliance is critical for any carbon measurement technology

  • As of 2021, Perennial’s technology is compliant under the Australian Clean Energy Regulator in the largest regulated soil carbon market
  • Perennial is working with leading voluntary registries to demonstrate the rigor of our soil carbon measurement technology. We are quickly working toward voluntary market compliance
  • Perennial uses industry best practices for trace gas emissions quantification, compliant with Verra, Gold Standard, Climate Action Reserve, and others
Cloud Agronomics Inc.
CompanyCloud Agronomics Inc.
PricingOn Request
Perennial earth

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