Paul-Tech Soil sensor

Use your field’s data to save money


Paul-Tech’s in-field soil sensors take the guesswork out of farming, and don’t add any complexity — engineered from over 30 years of scientific research and designed with the user in mind.

Priceless data from the ground up

Your new Paul-Tech soil station knows it all, including your field’s soil nutrient levels and soil-water — the available moisture content under the surface and real-time reports on when your plants can and can’t use water.

  • From the Ground
    Valuable insights in real-time to analyse what your plants can benefit from and what they can’t, as well the future of your crop and field’s health.
    Soil nutrients: Accurate soil nutrient levels coupled alongside detailed recommendations on fertiliser usage and how your crops are using them
    Active hydration: Save water for when you need it most by understanding your plant’s intake abilities and when they’re not benefitting from additional nutrients and hydration
  • From the Air
    Humidity, air temperature and weather forecasting that help you understand your local hot-spots and plan ahead
    In-field weather reports that detail how current and historic patterns have and will affect your fields
    Close-to-ground and in-air humidity reports help you analyse, predict and prevent plant disease spread
  • From the Cloud
    Historic and real-time reports and maps that show your field’s weak and strong zones, with detailed analyses of soil nutrients and moisture content
    NDVI satellite reports let you farm with absolute precision across all your fields.
    Each Paul-Tech soil station securely saves your farm’s data and provides all your reports and maps on a single device. You’ll receive recommendations from Paul-Tech based on this proprietary data through every step of your journey

Smart installations leads to even smarter suggestions

Before a station is installed, 100-200 measurements are taken of each field to determine the best placement for each unit. The first sensor is buried at 8cm and the second placed between 16-25cm deep depending on the crop needs.

Paul-Tech soil stations run themselves and provide zero disturbance to surrounding land and plants.

Reports and suggestions before the rooster crows

It’s 06:00 and Paul-Tech has just sent your daily report, littered with useful nutrient levels, your soil water and moisture data, air temp and humidity readings…

With over 35 unique suggestions to complement these reports, you’ll know exactly what your fields need from the first sip of morning tea to sunset — discover where and why plants are stressed, parcels of land that need a little adjustment to irrigation, and so on.


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