
A comprehensive app that puts essential decision-making tools, product support and Syngenta rewards into the palm of your hand


Simply download myFIELD and register to start receiving weather warning risks for your area. Add in your fields, using the integrated Google maps tool, and all the information received for Potato and Sugar Beet tools will be tailored precisely to your location and crops. You can even look up Syngenta products!

BlightCast- Advance warning of disease pressure

Use myFIELD BlightCast to fine tune your blight protection strategies. The app gives you up to 14 days advance warning of disease infection and development in individual fields.

The new app enables you to personalise the parameters that trigger a near miss threshold, so that you can tailor the system’s sensitivity to specific situations.

BlightCast has been especially effective this season, in giving advance warning of the change from low disease pressure in June, to persistent, high risk, wet and humid conditions.

QUANTIS™ heat stress tool - A comprehensive potato, sugar beet and maize crop management guide

The myFIELD QUANTIS™ heat stress tool notifies when heat events are forecast, triggering set parameters when crops of potatoes may suffer. This enables you to take timely action with preventative QUANTIS applications.

CategoryPests & Diseases

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