
Application maps for site-specific management


Seed rate maps

Precise seed maps, adapted to the respective soil zone, to optimise your yields.

If you want to achieve more reliable uniform yields, you have to adapt the seeding rate to the different characteristics of a field. MyDataPlant enables to match seed rates to the different soil zones of a field.
This is directly noticeable during harvesting: You achieve more uniform cropping, which in turn aids an increase in harvest quality and achievement of higher yields.

Advantages of seed maps

  • Seed savings up to 15%
  • Precise sowing rate to local variants in soil zones
  • More even crop stands
  • Combination with yield maps, soil type maps, etc.
  • Soil properties reflect
  • Improved yield quality

Fertiliser maps

Apply organic and mineral fertilisers sustainably and precisely.

Optimise this costly input, target this input where it will produce the greatest return, comply with fertiliser regulations and still improve yields? Sounds impossible? With MyDataPlant’s fertiliser maps, it is possible.
Adjust the application rates to the nutrient requirements of the individual plants. With our fertiliser maps, you can vary the distribution of fertiliser amounts within a field in such a way that an optimal supply of nutrients is also guaranteed in the high-yield zones.

You determine the fertiliser strategy yourself:

  • Maximise yields or achieve more uniform crops
  • Focus on high or low yield zones

Especially in times of increasingly strict environmental regulations, MyDataPlant helps you to use fertiliser more efficiently and sustainably. Fertiliser savings do not automatically mean yield loss. With the help of needs-based fertiliser planning, you achieve more uniform crops and reduce your costs, while yields remain stable.

Advantages of fertiliser maps

  • Targeted and needs-based fertilisation
  • Fertilisation strategy flexible adjustment
  • Savings of fertiliser
  • Greater management of fertiliser stocks
  • More uniform crops
  • Database Individually selectable

Crop protection maps

Use growth regulators as needed with application maps

With the plant protection maps for growth regulators you manage the plant stands as you wish. The result: more even crops, easier harvesting and potentially higher yields. In variable climatic conditions, crop growth can be managed according to need, limiting lodging and potential yield losses.

  • Fungicide variable rate at ear treatment

MyDataPlant provides visibility of variable biomass growth in a field, thereby allowing the creation of variable rate prescriptions based on biomass growth. Dense high biomass crops can provide a perfect habitat for fungal pathogens, so rates can be adjusted to reflect this. Oversprays with a tankmix of a growth regulator with a fungicide are also possible and may be appropriate.

Advantages of crop protection maps

  • Yield increase through stress reduction
  • Reduced lodging
  • More even cropping maturity
  • Application rates adapted to the plants condition
  • Easier harvesting with associated cost savings
  • Crop growth can be managed
Kleffmann Digital RS GmbH
CompanyKleffmann Digital RS GmbH

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