Mycotoxin Rainfall Risk Tool
Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board

Mycotoxin Rainfall Risk Tool

Use this map-based tool to calculate rainfall-related mycotoxin risk assessment scores for wheat.

Covering hundreds of sites across England, Scotland and Wales, this map-based tool can show how much rain has fallen during the critical winter wheat flowering and pre-harvest periods. Use this information to help calculate mycotoxin risk assessment scores (required for the combinable crops grain passport).

The mycotoxin rainfall risk tool

How to use the tool

  1. Enter the start and end dates in the 'Date range' boxes (type in manually or select from the pop-up calendar) for the defined rainfall period(s).
  2. At each site, a coloured circle reveals the risk score for the defined rainfall period.
  3. Hover the mouse cursor over a site to show the rainfall (mm) that fell during the defined period.
  4. Enter the relevant score(s) onto the risk assessment form.


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