
Improve the productivity of cattle and maximize the herd performance with mooON wearable and herd management application with mooON


Cattle Monitoring is a segment which is often not taken proper care of.

Challenges in Cattle Monitoring

  • Long intercalving period
  • Low productivity per cattle
  • Lack of awareness of nutrition management
  • Low accessibility of quality veterinary services
  • Poor dairy extension services (AI, vaccinations, etc.)
  • High ratio of cattle population and veterinary institutions

Stellapps mooON solution has two components : mooOn device & mooOn app. mooOn device is a pedometer for cattles which detects heat and various disorders based on their activities and their resting behaviour. mooOn app is a herd management application which gives recommendations to optimize herd performance.

  • Preventive healthcare with reduced health expenses
    Monitored by live animal activity tracking, lameness detection & timely preventive health checkup, vaccination, deworming alerts.
  • Reduced intercalving period
    be achieved by estrus (heat) detection for on time artifical insemmination & real-time alerts to vet/paravet for AI, PD test etc.
  • Enhanced milk quality and yield
    Optimised using nutrition plans based on breed, stage in life cycle, milk quality and yields
  • Better farm management
    Achieved using real-time alerts on animal activities, personalized contexutal sachet nutrition advisory & cattle historical data management.
  • Attractive insurance products
    Consists of dairy insurance packages & reduced cattle insurance premium for better performing farmers
Stellapps Technologies Private Limited
CompanyStellapps Technologies Private Limited
PricingOn Request

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