Compact, cost effective, & quick to install ultrasonic height level monitoring device. Designed to monitor the water level depth in flooded rice fields and many other applications.


METOS® FWT is an IoT device designed to monitor the water level depth in flooded rice fields in real time. The solution supports farmers in the adoption of the Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) methodology or similar water-saving techniques.
METOS® FWT can be a very helpful tool supporting decisions to mitigate risks due to periods of water scarcity.
It is a ultrasonic height level monitoring device applicable in many different situations. The device comes with the top part and the tube needs to be sourced by the client or distributor locally to best fit the clients use case.

Key benefits

  • Saved time and money,
  • More precise water applications,
  • Decreased global warming potential thanks to the reduced GHG (methane) emission by healthier roots,
  • Data that is automatically stored, shareable and accessible also for extension service field staff for better AWD (Alternate Wetting & Drying) knowledge transfer and management at the community level.
 Pessl Instruments
Company Pessl Instruments

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