With CropVIEW® you receive a time lapse of your crop growth – full documented history from field preparation to harvesting your yields.


Your field circumstances, crop condition and fruit growth under full remote control. Using a state of the art optical camera system supported with artificial intelligence software.

With the inspiration of helping the farmer to grow his crop in the optimal and most healthy way, Pessl Instruments GmbH, developed optical high-resolution camera system, together with a computer vision software which is able to recognize objects from the photo (first solution is made for apple fruit recognition).

The optical high-resolution camera system is installed in the field to remotely monitor the field, crop or fruit. All of the photos and data from computer vision software are displayed online, on a web portal called FieldClimate.

CropVIEW® is a camera system with integrated electronics (camera, modem, power source with solar panel). It can be installed wherever in the field needed. In the field, the device is self-sufficient, as it is powered by a solar panel and a battery. 10 MP camera takes high-resolution pictures of your field, crop or fruit.

Images are sent via mobile network to the FieldClimate platform where they are analyzed with automatic detection of fruits (for apples only). The results are then visible on the web or mobile devices. As a result, we see a photo with recognized fruits (apple only) as well as measurements of fruit diameters (apple only). Control is real-time and the collected data can be used for further analysis.

  • CropVIEW® Dual - Two 10 MP Lenses – Wide Angle and Tele
  • CropVIEW® Panorama - One 10 MP Wide Angle Lens
  • CropVIEW® Tele - One 10 MP Tele Lens

Remote field monitoring

A remote field monitoring will make your work planning easier. By setting up a network of smart agriculture monitoring equipment, such as cameras and soil temperature & moisture sensors, you will gain insight into what’s going on in your field or farm and will be able to react in a timely manner.

Cameras let you see what’s going on with your plants, crop or animals, a GPS tracking system will help you keep track of your machinery usage, and a soil moisture sensor will help you decide when it is time to irrigate.

From predicting and preventing diseases to spread, through irrigation management, to animal health control. With remote field monitoring, everything is at your hand’s reach.

 Pessl Instruments
Company Pessl Instruments
CategoryPrecision Farming
CropVIEW-panorama-1024x306 (1)
CropVIEW-Tele-1024x399 (1)
CropVIEW-dual-1024x307 (1)

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