
With MagicTrap, you are always informed about pest migration and pressure in your oilseed rape crop wherever you are.


MagicTrap - the digital yellow trap for oilseed rape. MagicTrap is a fully automated digital yellow water trap, providing continuously updated information on pest pressure straight to your smartphone. It autonomously detects, categorises and counts a range of insects, ensuring you never miss a pest migration event.

The ultimate IPM tool

  • Intelligent
    Analyses the typical oilseed rape pests and counts how many there are.
  • Self-sufficient
    The energy requirement is covered 100% by solar energy and stored in the rechargeable battery.
  • Connected
    The trap is connected via mobile network and always dials into the best wireless network.

Identify pests and take timely action.

Nothing escapes its gaze. The MagicTrap autonomously monitors your field and lets you know as soon as action is required.

Data directly from your yellow trap. Live from the field.

If there is a high influx of pests, your MagicTrap notifies you automatically. You receive a push notification directly on your smartphone and can view the analysis anytime.

Automatic analysis.

All the images you receive from your MagicTrap are automatically analysed using artificial intelligence. So you know immediately how many flea beetle, weevil and pollen beetle are in your trap - without having to count them by hand!

Bayer AG
CompanyBayer AG
CategoryPests & Diseases

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