
Advanced Heat Detection in Dairy Cattle


In the fast-paced world of dairy farming, tracking and managing the estrous cycle of cattle is critical for maximizing productivity and breeding success. MilkingCloud offers an innovative solution with its state-of-the-art heat detection devices, such as the M2Moo Activity Meter, which are designed to enhance the accuracy of estrus detection and improve herd management.

  • It tracks the daily movement of the animals automatically.
  • It is attached to the cow's neck or ear
  • It detects heat early and sends a notification to your mobile phone

Optimizing Breeding Efficiency with Smart Technology

The M2Moo device is engineered to provide real-time data on cow activity levels, which are indicative of heat. This advanced technology ensures that farmers can identify the optimal time for artificial insemination, leading to higher conception rates and reduced calving intervals.

How Does it Work?

Use the M2Moo Heat Detection System for Heat Detection in Cows to make things easier on your farm.

  • Saves the movement of the cow 24/7 and transfers it to the gateway
  • Gateway sends the data to the servers thanks to the SIM card in it
  • Movement data is continuously monitored
  • The system alerts you when a cow is in heat

Integrating Heat Detection with Comprehensive Farm Management

  • Streamlined Data Analysis
    Harness the power of MilkingCloud’s advanced analytics to compare and contrast data across different time periods and among various animals. This feature allows for the identification of patterns and trends that can inform future breeding and management strategies.
  • Automated Alerts and Notifications
    Receive instant notifications about heat events through the MilkingCloud platform, enabling timely actions to ensure that no breeding opportunity is missed.
  • Customizable Reports
    Generate detailed reports that provide insights into the reproductive health and efficiency of your herd, facilitating targeted improvements and strategies.
  • Enhancing Farm Profitability
    Leverage the data gathered by the M2Moo device and MilkingCloud’s software to enhance herd fertility rates, reduce labor costs, and ultimately increase farm profitability.
Milking Cloud
CompanyMilking Cloud
PricingOn Request

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