Land App
DigitalLandSolutions Ltd

Land App

Design a Sustainable Planet, Together. Collaborative, Intuitive Mapping for the Land Sector.

Intuitive. Collaborative. Land management made easy.

Join our network of farmers, advisors, land agents, food retailers, water companies and ecologists to map your land, plan management strategies and nature recovery projects, and unlock funding using Land App’s unparalleled features. 

  • Effortless mapping technology
  • Official government templates
  • Instant data reports and analysis
  • Fast growing library of visual data layers
  • Insightful land and habitat metrics
  • Industry-leading data security
  • Authoritative datasets on-demand (OS MasterMap)
  • Instantly understand natural capital potential

A single, collaborative and powerful mapping software

Land App is the leading mapping software for land management in the UK. From sales and valuation plans, estate management, habitat baselining for Biodiversity Net Gain, Countryside Stewardship and other agri-scheme applications as well as landscape recovery projects, Land App allows you to map and understand your land in all contexts.

Be it managing an individual farm or estate, or planning landscape scale natural capital projects, our software is designed with land managers at its heart. Plan, manage and understand your land today, to help unlock funding for tomorrow.

Measurements, photos, monitoring and surveys for clarity on the ground

Land App Mobile is our integrated mobile application for professional users. It is the in-field companion to our desktop platform; giving our users even more flexibility, reliability and authority when ground-truthing projects, tracking real-world evidencing and uplift and measuring distance on the ground.

Automatically upload geo-located photos to online maps, take precise measurements in the field, and add notes for your survey or agri-environment scheme.

Understand your land in new levels of detail, from the field to the landscape scale

Whether its for Biodiversity Net Gain, Nutrient Neutrality, Habitat Connectivity, Water Catchment Restoration or Supply Chain analysis and mapping, land use data must be critically accurate with the ability to aggregate information from individual parcels of land to the entire portfolio view.

Our bespoke natural capital dashboards offer precisely this – from calculating BNG uplift to enabling strategic interventions to mitigate risk in a food supply chain. Unlock unrivalled insight into your present and future land use by getting in touch with our project and sales team today.


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