
Agri-food supply chain software


The KisanHub Platform

A suite of software delivering real-time agri-food supply chain and procurement information to help Supplier Groups manage supply and demand

Monitor crops remotely

  • View photos taken from the field 
  • Crop-specific categorisation for field observations 
  • Available from mobile, even if you’re offline 
  • ​KisanHub is free for your Growers to use

Inventories real-time on any device

  • No more spreadsheets 
  • One view of all your suppliers’ crops, whether in field or store 
  • Updated in real-time via the mobile app or web
  • Share your inventory status with customers
  • Download a copy of the inventory for analysis

Quality assessments from field or lab

  • Customise your own templates for capturing quality results
  • ​Set the thresholds for each market or category you supply 
  • ​Calculate availability to meet contract requirements 
  • ​Verify quality with photos, shareable with customers 

Supply transparency and traceability

  • Save time and trees with Paperless Load Passports
  • Benchmark growers by comparing supply vs. marketable yield over a season
  • Give your customers early awareness of quality at dispatch 
  • Store all your suppliers' certificates digitally 
CategoryFarm Management

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