Kisan Agridoctor App

Progressive farm advisory on demand.


AgroStar App

With over 5 million downloads and a 4.4 rating on the Google PlayStore, the AgroStar app remains central to our content-first approach. It is a multilingual app, where farmers can post their agronomy queries, engage with their fellow farmers and purchase 100% original agri-inputs. 

The app has evolved into a thriving digital farmer network where engagement is growing mutlifold every year. We are seeing farmers increasingly post and engage with their network on the platform and video content has grown by 10X over the last 12 months.

The app also includes a virtual video guide with an exhaustive collection of over 3000 videos. Through these videos farmers now have access to stage-wise guidance for over 26 crops, in the form of short and snackable videos. 

The app also hosts webinars and Q&A sessions conducted by agri experts through Zoom calls and YouTube Live. These sessions have helped our farmers get detailed, interactive, and personalized advice on a range of farm-related issues including information on multiple crops, farming do’s & don’ts, farm nurturing tips, and other such valuable inputs. 

Our app follows a content-driven approach as the key strategy to help farmers with real-time solutions to the most common problems faced on their farms.


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