Biological Records Centre


You can record your observations of nature and make a vital contribution to scientific research.

You can record your observations of nature and make a vital contribution to scientific research. Records of wildlife observations will contribute to the rich datasets that span centuries and provide valuable information on the current state of nature in the UK.

You can send sightings and photos of any wildlife you see using general online recording websites and apps, such as iRecord.

The BRC provides support for over 80 national recording schemes and societies, applying innovative use of technology and science excellence to help improve how data is collected, made available and used.

Major outputs include the publication of atlases, data, tools for analysis, and other online resources which have enabled a wealth of subsequent uses to support conservation and research.

There are many resources available to support biological recording and the use of biological records data:

The Biological Records Centre has collaborated with a number of recording schemes and mobile app developers to launch a range of smartphone apps in the past 5 years. These apps provide identification resources and aim to make it easy to submit wildlife records. The sightings go to iRecord, allowing recorders to see all their observations in one place.

Create and upload observations with the iRecord App Available for iPhone and Android, options now include:

  1. Specific attributes on the casual recording form offered for certain groups (e.g. birds, bryophytes, dragonflies).
  2. Recording lists for plant/moth/general surveys.
  3. Linking to activities you’ve joined.
  4. Automatic image recognition to aid with ID.
  5. Extensive list of stage options for invertebrates.
  6. Geolocating survey entries.
  7. Notification on entering a new grid square during plant survey or species list surveys. 

The goal of iRecord is to make it easier for wildlife sightings to be collated, checked by experts and made available to support research and decision-making at local and national levels.  Join iRecord now to share your sightings with the recording community, explore dynamic maps and graphs of your data and make a real contribution to science and conservation.


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