IPM Decisions Platform

A “one-stop shop” for decision support in integrated pest management.


The IPM Decisions Platform will give farmers and advisers across Europe access a large number of IPM decision support systems.  User will access the Platform via a tailored ‘dashboard’, specific to their requirements.  The dashboard will act as the user’s control panel to collate information and manage DSS applications.   

  • Farmers & Advisors - benefit from a simple ‘click and go’ platform to find and run decision systems which have been evaluated for use under their regional conditions. Access to relevant weather data is provided though the platform.  The extent of validation of each DSS is transparent to enable informed choices.
  • Applied researchers - benefit from access to decision systems, weather data, a data set of field pest observations from large numbers of sites and seasons, and a library of methods for evaluation and comparison of benefits.
  • Academic researchers - can to adapt decision models to their regional conditions, and rapidly evaluate the effect of the changes using the library of methods for evaluation and comparison of benefits described above.
  • System developers  - benefit by a ‘shop window’ to access more end users, and tools and resources to accelerate DSS innovation.

The Platform supports a wide range of DSS which are either free to use or commercial pay to use.

IPM Decisions
CompanyIPM Decisions
CategoryPests & Diseases

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