
Smart sensor solutions to protect trees. A unique sensing technology that detects pests in trees before they cause damage


Tree borer presents a major challenge in trees, as visible signs and symptoms of attacks only appear when the tree is already damaged and can no longer be saved.

  • Red Palm Weevil
  • African palm-weevil
  • South American Palm Weevil
  • Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Mango Stem Borer
  • Oryctes elegans
  • Red-Necked Longhorn Beetle

Agrinet’s innovative sensing technology provides early detection and alerts the presence of a tree borer using intelligent seismic sensors within trees, allowing the tree to be protected from any damage, while saving the yield, increasing the efficiency of pesticide management, and eliminating costly replacement of dead trees.

Suitable for the Following Tree Species

  • Date Palm
    The Date Palm is a sweet fruit yielding tree that is often targeted by burrowing pests, such as the red palm weevil and rhinoceros beetles, which burrow into the trunk or fronds and damage the tree from the inside.
  • Ornamental Palm - Ornamental (Canary)
    The Ornamental (Canary) Palm is a high-valued ornamental tree that is often targeted by burrowing pests, such as the red palm weevil and rhinoceros beetles, which burrow into the trunk or fronds and damage the tree from the inside.
  • Coconut Palm
    The Coconut Palm is a tropical tree grown for food, oil, and fiber, often targeted by burrowing pests, such as the palm weevils and the ox beetle, which burrow into the trunk or fronds, damage the tree from the inside and transmit lethal diseases.
  • Oil Palm
    The Oil Palm is a fruit yielding tree native to Africa and South Asia that is often targeted by burrowing pests, such as the red palm weevil and rhinoceros beetles, which burrow into the trunk or fronds and damage the tree from the inside.
  • Cherry Tree
    The cherry is a flowering tree, cultivated in temperate regions around the world for its fruits and magnificent flowering. These trees are often targeted by wood-boring pests, such as clearwing moths and various wood-boring beetle, that burrow galleries into the trunk and branches, degrading the tree and eventually leading to its death.
  • Fig
    The edible fig is a deciduous fruit yielding tree, cultivated in arid and semi-arid regions around the world for its fruits and medicinal purposes. These trees are often targeted by the mango stem-borer, which burrow tunnels into the trunk, degrading the tree and eventually leading to its death.
  • Mango Tree
    The mango is an ever-green fruit yielding tree, cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world for its for its fruits. These trees are often targeted by several longhorn beetles, such as the mango stem-borer, that burrow tunnels into the trunk, degrading the tree and eventually leading to its death.
  • Avacado Tree
    The avocado, lately dubbed “the green gold”, is a neotropical fruit tree, grown for its oily fruits in tropic and sub-tropic regions around the world. These trees are targeted by many wood-boring insect, including the mango stem-borer, which burrow tunnels into the trunk, degrading the tree and eventually leading to its death.

Using the IoTree® provides early detection of larvae activity, allowing treatment of infected trees only and eliminates the need for preventative spraying, which can have negative long-term effects.

How Does It Works?

3-step process that provides real-time alerts to protect trees.

  1. Detect
    Each tree is equipped with a durable and energy-saving sensor. Advanced technology allows the sensor to detect larval activity. The sensor is very sensitive to the slightest movement of the larvae, even in the early stages of their development. At the same time, it's sophisticated enough to filter out anything that could lead to a false alarm. Our sensor provides early detection of weevil activity, regardless of the size of the tree or larvae.
  2. Analysis
    The data is analyzed and processed by a sensor, through a gateway to the cloud. Reporting, where big data analysis is performed. This step ensures that alerts are always one step ahead of the pest behavioral patterns.
  3. Alert
    End users receive real-time data directly to their applications: computer, mobile device or tablet. The easy-to-navigate application gives instant access to critical information that can identify the affected tree and save it from destruction.

Online Plantation Management Based on Sensors to Save Trees

  • Global and local data analysis, cloud-based servers and web-based software applications
  • All information is available on an easy-to-use application
  • End-users receive alerts… anytime, anywhere
Agrint Inc.
CompanyAgrint Inc.
PricingOn Request

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