Insect Pest Management

Improve your yield and grade with automated camera traps, spray timing tools, and variable rate mating disruption that is customized to your unique pest behavior.


Variable Rate Mating Disruption

Smart mating disruption made simple:

  • Maximum protection when your crop is most vulnerable: Variable rate mating disruption means maximum pheromone release when your crop is most at risk.
  • Late season coverage: Get prolonged coverage for late-season generations because we don’t waste pheromones when the pests aren’t active.
  • Hands-off, labor-free install: We install the system so you don’t have to.

Pheromones certified for organic & conventional production available

Automated Camera Traps

No more counting sticky bases. See images and summaries of daily trap catches at the click of a button.

  • Save time: Eliminate manual trap checking to scale your scouting efforts.
  • Prioritize hot spots: Identify areas of high pest pressure from your phone or computer with automatic daily trap catch reports.
  • Hands-off, labor-free install: We install the traps and swap lures and liners for you.

Know When You Need to Act

  • Pest pressure alerts: Set thresholds for any block or trap and get notifications straight to your phone when your crops are vulnerable to improve application timing.
  • Pest models customized to your orchard: Reference site-specific pest models to fine-tune sprays for maximum impact and potentially reduce the required number of treatments over general regional pest models.
  • Pest-degree days modelling and forecast: Knowing accurate risk levels sooner means scheduling sprays and managing the challenge of logistics is easier.

Decision-Aid Highlights

  • Variable rate mating disruption
    Our expert entomologists predict and schedule pheromone application rates in response to the current and forecast pest behaviour in your orchard for optimal impact and all season long coverage.
  • Pest degree-day models & forecasting
    Pests develop according to the conditions unique to your crop canopy. We correlate site-driven degree-days with trap counts and weather patterns to forecast pressure and determine pheromone application rates.
  • Pest pressure alerts & notifications
    Set degree days or trap catch alerts and get notified via email or text when pest pressure conditions are met so you and your team can act quickly.
  • Automated pest camera traps
    Spend less time scouting in the field with automated camera traps that deliver daily trap catch images and numbers straight to your phone or computer.
  • Specialty crop insect pests
    Pests we help manage:
    • Navel Orangeworm (Amyelois transitella)
    • Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella)
    • California Red Scale (Aonidiella aurantii)
    • European Grape Vine Moth (Lobesia botrana)
    • Oblique Banded Leafroller (Choristoneura rosacean)
    • Oriental Fruit Moth (Grapholitha molesta)
    • Vine Mealybug (Planococcus ficus)
  • Hands-off, labor-free install
    Semios’ professional Field Services team handles installation, remote monitoring, and maintenance so you don’t need to worry about the tech.
CategoryPests & Diseases
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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