
Area, Yield and Risk. We predict crops on a global scale with field level precision


Crop prediction platform with field-level accuracy on a global scale.  We predict area, yield,  production, risk and disease field by field, region by region on a global scale.

The future of field-level predictions on a global scale

Inference predicts and detects crop area, yield, disease, drought and flooding. Our analysis is conducted field by field, region by region, across entire countries. What makes this unique?

  • Field level predictions – on a global scale
  • Sophisticated and verified models
  • The world’s largest crop survey team

Our use of high resolution images combined with high-quality ground truth data ensures we can predict crops at a regional, national and global level.

We provide global predictions with field-level precision.

Field by Field. Global Scale.

Field level? Across the world?


Inference works on 10m resolution data. This allows for accurate predictions on area, disease and yield.

The images shown here are sugar predictions, the red indicating sugar. The brighter the colour the higher the confidence of the prediction, the individual fields and roads can be seen, as we map out every pixel across the country,

We repeat this process for entire countries and continents  – trillions of data points

PricingOn Request

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