IC-Weeder AI

Mechanical weed control


The IC-Weeder AI covers 6 rows with a row distance of 45 cm. The intelligent camera steering works with an algorithm based on the principle of “Deep Learning”. The automatic hoeing machine is thus able to distinguish crop and weed independently.

It thus ensures reliable removal of weeds even in sown crops and with high weed infestation. A compressor provides the pneumatic pressure to move sickle-shaped knifes actively intra-row, so between the plants in one row.

The inter-and intra-row tools are mounted on an parallelogram-element to follow the contour easily. The support wheels guarantee the correct working depth of the knives and via the side shift-frame the machine is steered precisely between the rows.

  • Row width minimum 25 cm
  • Plant distance minimum 20 cm
  • Working width up to 6 m
  • Weeding up to 2 cm close to the crop
  • Multiple cameras covering 60 cm field of vision each
  • Remote service for direct support

What characterizes the IC-Weeder AI

  • FARM MACHINE 2022 in the category "Mechanical Weed Control"
  • Automatic intra-row hoeing machine also for sown crops
  • Single plant recognition based on artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Reliable detection even under unfavourable conditions
  • Active hoeing knifes move between the plants in one row
  • Easy-to-use and intuitive operation
CompanyLEMKEN GmbH
PricingOn Request

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