
Secure sustainable growth with timely and reliable insights on agricultural production.


Our solution 

Hyperplan software, powered by remote sensing data and cutting-edge AI, offers the easiest and fastest access to relevant insights to drive your business. 

Our easy-to-deploy and user-friendly interface transforms parcel-level data into actionable decisions for daily operations.

  • Comprehensive Visibility on Agricultural Production:
    From parcel-level detail to national scale; access field boundaries, crop rotations, yield estimates, and quality risk assessments.
  • Real-Time Crop Monitoring:
    Analyze and compare vegetation status, phenology, and mechanical events with unprecedented reliability.


Hyperplan's software is a game-changer in commercial and procurement operations, allowing you to :

  • Stay Ahead of the Game
    Create data-driven budgets with forward-looking season estimates and safeguard ongoing operations with timely and reliable crop monitoring.
  • Grow Your Perimeter
    Venture into new territories with comprehensive visibility at parcel or farm-level, rapidly identify prospects with parcel-search service, and manage commercial teams effectively to optimize and steer sales & marketing efforts.
  • Unlock Seamless Interoperability
    Our software is built as a library of data at parcel-level, that can be augmented with data from your IS (ERP, CRM, FMS). This means that Hyperplan enhances your team and evolves as your personalized hub of market and business intelligence.
  • Become a sustainability champion
    Monitor and expand sustainable agricultural practices, such as tillage, cover cropping, and rotations.

What makes us different 

Hyperplan distinguishes itself in the agricultural technology space with a unique blend of cutting-edge capabilities and customer-focused solutions.

  • Built for day-to-day operations:
    Hyperplan transforms the complexity of parcel-level crop monitoring into an intuitive interface, seamlessly integrating into your existing workflows - so you can make informed decisions, fast.
  • A one-stop shop for remote-sensing base data at parcel-level:
    Our ever-evolving AI covers an extensive range of information at the parcel level, including field delineation, best-in-class performance in crop rotation (historical, in-season, and future projections), yield estimates, and quality risk assessments.
  • Enabling a “Transformative change”:
    More than software, our service helps you to revamp your organization and processes to take a distinctive edge over your competition.
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