Hybrid Herbicide Technology

Professional, biological and residue-free plant control. Fast, safe and reliable.


Discover the future of plant control. With crop.zone

The high performance of the volt.cube, the enormous working widths of the volt.apply and the efficiency of the volt.fuels make the crop.zone hybrid herbicide technology a very good alternative to conventional siccation processes.

crop.zone develops systems that can always be used where a crop is to be gently, quickly and effectively eliminated in agriculture. This ranges from siccation for harvest preparation (e.g. potatoes), through the removal of green manure to the control of weeds/weeds/weed grasses. This makes hybrid herbicides a possible alternative to chemical, mechanical and thermal plant control, with minimal energy requirements, no soil movement and no residues.

How does crop.zone Hybrid Herbicide technology work?

The tractor provides the mechanical energy. In the crop.zone system, electrical power is generated from this using a PTO generator. High-voltage units developed specifically for crop.zone requirements then provide a voltage of 1000 to 5500 V. A spray system increases the conductivity of the plants through volt.fuel. Special applicators pass the current through the plants and, depending on the type of applicator, also through the roots and soil. This interrupts the water supply within the plants to such an extent that the plants dry out and die.

  • Residue-free plant control
  • Agriculturally proven
  • Soil-conserving
  • Yield and quality protection
  • No waiting times
  • Climate-friendly
Crop.Zone GmbH
CompanyCrop.Zone GmbH
CategoryPrecision Farming
PricingOn Request

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