
Reduce travel costs by monitoring your colonies remotely from your phone or your computer.


HiveGenie is the only real-time information solution that monitors the health and the activities of your colonies.

  • Monitor colony population
    Monitor the laying rate of your Queen and stay on top of your colony population. Receive real-time data of the number of your bees in your colony.
  • Track bee activities
    Monitor the number of your bees inside and outside of your hives, and track their daily activities.
  • Monitor in-hive conditions
    Monitor your hives in normal and extreme weather conditions. Detect when your bees are sick, or if they need assistance.
  • Prevent bee swarming
    Monitor and receive alert 2-3 days before your bees are about to swarm.
  • Protect from predators
    Protect the bees from hornets, mice, moths, and other insects. Detect when they’re under attack, especially at night or in remote locations.
  • Split your hives on time
    Be aware of the right time to split your hives.
  • Harvest your honey on time
    Stay informed when to add another honey super or when to harvest your honey.
  • Monitor your honey flow
    Monitor the honey flow in each of your hives. Be aware when to start and stop feeding your bees.
  • Track and compare
    Compare your colonies with other hives around the world using our data visualization dashboards.
  • Monitor your remote hives
    Monitor all of your hives on a single map, especially the ones in extremely remote locations.
  • Monitor weather conditions
    Monitor the weather conditions in the area of your hives and protect your colonies against flooding, dry weather, heat waves, or extensive snow.
  • Monitor pesticides activities
    Monitor pesticides and monoculture activities in the area.
CategoryPrecision Farming
RegionNorth America

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