HCR Harvester

We provide a harvesting service that automates the crop management, harvesting and packing of specialty crops, and we have started with strawberries.


At Harvest CROO, we are transforming automated agriculture with our extraordinary set of technologies.

We provide a harvesting service that automates the crop management,  harvesting and packing of specialty crops, and we have started with strawberries.

  • Autonomous & Safe
    Our Harvester-mounted LIDAR system, provides a 360° 3-dimensional view of the fields. This allows for more precise navigation down rows of strawberries. 
    This enables our fully autonomous  harvester to avoid colliding with growing rows, people and other obstructions.
  • Commercial Speed
    Each Harvester has 16 independently working robots ready to harvest, as the harvester autonomously navigates its way through acres of strawberries. 
  • Vision & AI
    With our artificial intelligence and machine learning vision system, each berry on a plant is scanned to determine if it’s ripe, healthy, and ready to be picked.  
    The harvester is then set to pick a berry without damaging the fruit.
Harvest CROO Robotics LLC
CompanyHarvest CROO Robotics LLC
PricingOn Request
RegionNorth America

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