Grower Portal

Calculate the environmental footprint of your floriculture products and location(s) independently.


Calculate your environmental impact independently

You would like to know how to make the right choices that will have the greatest impact. A footprint calculation offers you a detailed insight that you can use to move forward. But how do you prevent this from becoming a cost-intensive and time-consuming job?

With the Flori Footprint Tool you can easily calculate the footprint of your location and floriculture products yourself. Independent from consultants and at your own pace. After the calculation you know exactly which component causes the greatest environmental impact. In addition, you gain insight into 16 different impact categories, including climate change (CO₂-emissions), water, toxicity and land use.

  • Environmental impact at product- and location level, calculated simultaneously
  • Calculate unlimited number of products
  • Process data easily
  • Visual insight in results
  • Footprint declaration document: your data at hand for questions from customers
  • Possibility for an API connection with registration systems (not included)
  • Create unlimited scenarios at product level

The Grower Portal is suitable for calculating different crops:

  • Potted plants
  • Cut flowers, various cultivation methods such as chrysanthemum, hydrangea, gerbera and tulips.
  • Open field cultivation
  • Bulb cultivation (propagation)
Flori Footprint Tool
CompanyFlori Footprint Tool

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