
Data Driven Farm Productivity


Yuktix GidaBits® is a crop management and protection solution. Get better yield & quality using our data driven advisories. Learn how to deliver personalized sustainable practices to your growers at an affordable cost.

  • Smart Irrigation
    Receive AET and crop based daily water recommendations that factors in your irrigation parameters, stage, and farm conditions.
  • Disease and Pest
    Get early warnings for diseases and pest based on farm conditions. Get expert advice on management. Save money on high contact fungicides and insecticides.
  • Daily Package of Practice
    Get science and data intelligence based daily activity calendar for your crop. The package of practice is customised for your farm. We cover all major horticulture and fruit crops.
  • Weather Forecast
    Accurate rain and weather parameter forecasts sourced from multiple agencies. Get alerts for events before they happen.
  • Soil & Nutrition
    Keep a record of NPK and micro nutrients in the soil. Measure moisture, temperature and EC. Calculate fertiliser requirements.
  • IoT Devices for 24 x 7 monitoring
    Measure weather and soil parameters using Yuktix IoT devices. All devices work on solar power and m2m SIM cards for ready deployment.
Yuktix Technologies
CompanyYuktix Technologies
PricingOn Request

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